Hotel Del Coronado Testimonial
Hotel Del Coronado Uses RapidRun for Upgrading Their Rooms' A/V Solutions
My company, American Audio Video/Home Entertainment Lifestyle, came across a high-profile opportunity, the world-famous Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego. The Hotel Del Coronado has a well-known history and has housed presidents, the rich, and famous, from the time it opened its doors in the late 1800s. The hotel was undergoing a major remodeling project to upgrade its AV system and we were contracted to install various A/V solutions.Included in the remodel were 35 upscale, beachfront condos that were also associated with the hotel. For the condo remodel, we were asked to install 160 HDTVs with 35 of the TVs requiring a full, surround-sound setup.
During this upscale renovation project, utilizing RapidRun was invaluable to our success. This project was challenging in that it was both large in scope and took more than a year to complete. We wanted an Audio Video cabling solution that would be tough and durable. It also had to be a solution that could survive close contact with many trades that would come in and do their craft. RapidRun was able to successfully overcome all the challenges of this project.
The RapidRun system was easy to install, providing us the ability to both pull cabling through wall and conduit using the pull-cap. The pull-cap was a tremendous asset since it kept the cable connectors from getting damaged by paint and debris throughout the duration of the installation. An additional benefit included no field terminations, because we were concerned about field terminated wires failing.
It was nice to have the option of using both wall plates and corresponding flying leads to hook right into the equipment for a finished, professional look. What's more impressive, every single RapidRun system we installed worked perfectly. We had a zero failure rate, which is virtually impossible to achieve using field terminated wire.
Finally, RapidRun provided us with a bonus feature that none of us expected. The 35 surround-sound setups were using Bose Lifestyle systems, but the sound had to be fed from the TV. The hotel was using a LodgeNet system so all of the content was decoded by the TV and sent back to the equipment. We had the digital audio covered, but wanted to send back analog audio as well. We were able to achieve that without running extra wire. Using the RapidRun system already in place, we connected the DVD player to the TV by simply attaching the L/R audio and component video terminations to the RapidRun runner and it worked perfectly.
This project really put RapidRun to the test and we were amazed by the results. As our company services more projects, I plan to continue using RapidRun. Keep up the good work.

James Love
President, American Audio Video/Home Entertainment Lifestyle
(November, 2007)
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